Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Running away from reality in the arms of solace
Raised a toast on a cloud of emoti(c)ons
Could relive that moment again, what luck...
Trying to text you the range of feelings I went through,
What went wrong...........

Fumbled through those buttons and fingers
Just too short of words....
The heart brimming, yet the mind completely blank

O freak....what a waste.....
Some things are best left in a sphagetti-bundle,
In a Pandora's box with the key thrown offshore
never to be opened,
Like a li'l black window, where nobody can reach the heart's depth
Like a dying bud whose petals would never see light
Coz some things are best left unspoken
And just felt in the eyes

And I simply write....
Gud nite. Tc :).