Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Birthday Gift......

A scorching March dusk, a narrow street
A shaggy house, a rag-doll attire
A sweet young toddler, donning it
A la Gucci creation, and waving her hands
Like the princess with a golden chariot
The chariot which is an empty basket.....

There's happiness in the ginger-bread air
A joyful commotion in the smoky traffic
An enticing gourmet laid out with the loaf and marmalade
There's His affection in mum's tired eyes....

There's the whole world's love in the kids playing ball
Her birthday gift is the most precious, her best buddy
Who got her the loveliest tulips she'd seen in her life
By the stream that flows by in the backyard.....

For nothing more's divine than his friendship and care
And his smile more valuable than the biggest solitaire
May your special day get twice my joy
And the loveliest violets in everlasting dew.......

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